Thursday, May 9, 2013

If money wasn't an issue, how would you discover your life's purpose?

By Joy Dalton

Your life's purpose is the real reason why your here, and the very reason why you exist on Earth today. Let's ponder this question, we live in trying times, companies lay off people left and right, people live with physical disabilities or illnesses from this stress and anxiety, and you find many in financial ruin. It seems like there is no hope and opportunity. Maybe you're one of those people who thinks that life has no purpose, this doesn't matter, it will creep up on you anyway. All this lack of belief will just make it take longer for you to find it. In fact, not living your life's purpose is the biggest reason your body, mind, and spirit is out out balance. It can cause stress in your life, depression, and can make you feel as though things are just not right in the world.

Life happens, there are a lot of people out there losing their jobs, losing loved ones, ending relationships, coming down with illnesses, and a lot are just starting over. But how do you handle this financially? We all know that life challenges can be easier to deal with when you are working and receiving a paycheck every week, or two weeks. But what happens when you stop receiving this check? What happens if you find out you have cancer, diabetes, or even high blood pressure. What happens when you separate from a spouse? Pressures in life can be exhausting, and the belief that everything will work out seems lost, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. But how do you identify the opportunity, maximize on your life event, and start moving towards a greater success, love, abundance, and creativity in your life.

To start, let me explain the realms that people find themselves living in, then I will explain how to move through, then out of the lower realms into your God/Goddess Realm so you can start living your life's purpose. You will find there are several realms that people live through.

“Hell Realm.” Here you are defined by your hatred and rage, and you define all other beings as enemies. You have no compassion, or desire for change when it arises. You are in a constant state of fight, and you suffer the consequences from those actions. Everything never seems to go your way, you love drama, and you don't even realize that you have enslaved yourself here. You are good at certain activities, however there are more people better than you are. There are way too many people who continually stay in this realm, wasting their energy, when they can reach a higher success for themselves.

“Ghost Realm.” In this realm you are transparent, you are competent with the activities you can do, however other people can do them just as well as you can. You spend way too much energy here, allowing certain emotional states to consume you, and you cannot focus on anything else. Even though life is going alright for you, you are getting by and functioning, however you are still not living your dream life. You are simply not living your true life's purpose, since you are focusing more on your wants.

“Demigod/Goddess Realm.” You are defined by jealousy and competitiveness here, you have more opportunities here, and you are prone to staying here. This can be a dangerous trap for you. You have a great life, and you're a master of this life. Life is going well most of the time, and you make a good living in here, however if you remain in this realm for too long you keep yourself from moving into your higher realm. Staying here can be addicting since your personal comfort wants you to stay here, along with your family, friends, and any organization you may be associated with. You are reliable in this realm, and you are a steady supply for everything that your family may need, as well as your friends, and organizations, which they thrive on. However, when you stay in this realm for too long a part of you withers and dies.

“God/Goddess Realm.” Here you are defined with bliss, happiness, and abundance in your life. You attain liberation from your mediocre life. Your ultimate goal in life, here, is to make life satisfying. You find your niche in life, and draw on your strengths. All of these things call to you from deep within you.. You have the secret knowledge of the universe, and your consciousness is otherworldly. You have more than mastered your life, you have mastered life and are able to orchestrate this beautiful symphony of knowledge that you have learned getting here. You can help others by passing on this knowledge. You are beyond yourself, and you are here to help the greater good of all mankind. You are empathic, meaning you can absorb things like a sponge would absorb water.

People sometimes find, as they reach 40, they tune out the call to live their life's purpose. This tune out can cause a lot of health problems that you will have to deal with. Examples are depression, physical ailments, injuries, and even relationship conflicts. These these things are here to remind you that you need to spend more time feeding your souls, or your inner God/Goddess, so you can let it do its magic in the world. When you fail to live your life's purpose, you are continually receiving this call. But how do you live your life's purpose?

First off, start eating better, all those fast food restaurants are killing you slowly. When you eat nutritiously you feed your body the nutrients it needs, and you give your body the energy it needs for what comes next. Shifting your mindset is an important step, and can assist you in connecting with your true heart's desire. You do this by getting rid of your false belief triggers that is keeping you from moving forward. These false belief triggers are based on fear, which actually means “false evidence appearing real.” There are four barriers, and they all have one thing in common, although they seem true and real, they are actually based on false beliefs, and are neither true or real. The form that these false beliefs take, depends upon an event that has happen earlier in your young life, sometime before the age of seven.

But how can we get rid of these false beliefs? You take these beliefs as being true and real, that is until you can shine an awareness on them, and learn how to eliminate them from your daily life. The power of awareness, on several actions, allows you to notice just how your particular false belief operates. Once you have seen your false belief in action, you have a new tool to use, which helps you live your life's purpose. By overcoming these false beliefs you can feel a new freedom, and will be able to invent your life based on your natural abilities, and begin living your life's purpose.

It doesn't take much time to do the things you need to do to overcome these triggers. It only takes seconds to locate and acknowledge, a feeling in your body, like the false beliefs or sadness. And it only takes a few seconds to communicate a truth to another person, a truth that can restore wholeness to not only you, but to them as well. As you go along your path of discoveries, you will do well to adopt the attitude of self love, instead of blame, since being lighthearted about your triggers will help you progress that much faster into living your life's purpose, instead of criticizing every little thing. When you keep a cheerful attitude you will find these triggers just dissolve and transform quicker than if you allow yourself to give you a hard time about it. When you're willing to adopt this playful attitude toward yourself, and your shortcomings, you can make a huge leap to living your life's purpose. It is also easier to laugh, instead of fretting over things, and laughing is much more fun for those who are around you. You can learn a lot more about yourself when you have a spirit of wonder and enjoyment, rather than with an attitude of criticism. When you live your life on purpose, you will find prosperity in every area of your life.

Take the step to live consciously, allow yourself to make more room in your awareness for abundance, love, and success. Use the resources of your whole being, not just your mind, then embrace a new story that tells about your adventures. Find a new mythology, or make up your own, one that shows that you are enjoying your life in the full radiance of your expressed potential.

Those of us who have the courage to discover, and bring about change in our lives, will break through to unparalleled heights of productivity, and life satisfaction. When we start discover our life's purpose that we are here on this earth for, we then take a huge leap to greater love, abundance, and happiness. Everything up till now was only hops, not leaps, and hopping through life may seem safe, however it is actually hazardous to your health. By confining yourself to hops, you run the risk of rusting from the inside out.



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