Friday, May 31, 2013

The Chocolate Truth

          In my inbox, just this week, were four articles on how dark chocolate was good for you, suggesting you run out to the store and get that dark chocolate fix. You go out, buy that yummy dark chocolate candy bar, and it feels great. You have energy, and your mood improves, then here it comes, Crash! You lose all of that energy, your mood darkens, and all you want is more chocolate. Yes, dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate, however the dark chocolate you get today is so highly processed that it loses most of its nutrients and antioxidant strengths. This basically provides you with nothing more than excess fat and processed sugar. There is also a difference between cacao and cocoa, which I will get into a bit later.

          Today, the majority of cacao is mixed with sugar, dairy, and other chemicals to create the chocolate candies people consume, and these sugary snacks are not what you want. The percentages you see on chocolate bar wrappers are a marketing push. Just because a chocolate bar says 71 percent cacao, it does not mean it is good for you. This candy is artery-clogging and makes you gain weight. I am writing this article to give you the raw truth about chocolate, and tell you more about the impressive health benefits of the raw cacao bean, how you can buy it, and how you can incorporate this super food into your diet.

          So what is cacao? Cacao, pronounced ka-cow, is the raw, unprocessed form of chocolate. These untreated seeds are a super food, and offers you a wealth of antioxidants, and essential vitamins and minerals.

          The Mayan and Aztec peoples considered the liquid that was formed from cooking the cacao pod as “the blood of the Earth,” and a profoundly sacred substance. Their ruling class liked to combine this liquid with herbs, nuts, seeds, chilies, vanilla, and honey, and drank it during engagement and wedding ceremonies, baptismal rites, and funerals. Archeologists found evidence of this from residue on a Mesoamerican burial vessel. By 1375 A.D. the Aztecs had come to revere the cacao pod, which contains the seeds, as a symbol of the human heart. The cacao beans were even used as currency in ancient Mexico, instead of gold, that is how valuable it was. It was believed that this raw chocolate had magical powers, maybe so, I do know, however, that it is a fantastic super food since it is loaded with vitamins and minerals that our bodies need.
           These cacao beans are grown on small trees, named Theobroma cacao, which literally translates to “cacao, the food of the gods” in the Greek language. These trees are native to Mexico, and Central and South America. Each cacao pod that emerges from the tree typically contains between 40 and 60 cacao seeds. After harvested, the pods are opened; the seeds are then removed, and then undergo a natural fermentation and drying process. After this process is completed, within 1-2 weeks, you are left with raw cacao beans.

          To make the chocolate found in those above mentioned chocolate candy bars, these raw cacao beans are roasted to form cocoa, which is then combined with sugar and fats until the beans are no longer recognizable. The high heat during this roasting process reduces the levels of antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals, naturally found in the raw cacao, which minimizes the powerful health benefits. In order to get these health benefits, you must eat the “raw,” non-roasted cacao beans.

          I can agree, there is something oh, so special about chocolate. However, we all want to be healthy as well, so let us skip those sugary-filled candy bars, and go for a handful of raw cacao beans instead. What are these health benefits I keep talking about?

          Raw cacao beans are high in protein, beneficial fats, and vitamins and minerals. These beans contain the richest natural source for magnesium, an important mineral which tends to be highly deficient in modern diets. Raw cacao contains other essential minerals like calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, copper, and potassium. The raw cacao is also high in vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, E, and an excellent source of natural sulfur, a mineral associated with healthy skin, nails, hair, and proper liver and pancreas function. Raw cacao contains essential heart-healthy fat: oleic acid a monounsaturated fat, and fiber.

          Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acid, and is considered one of the healthier sources of fat in a person’s diet. Health experts often recommend using it in cooking, and a number of those “so-called” health foods and diet products will use this compound in place of animal fats. Oleic acid is also found in many nuts and seeds, 
it can also be found readily in most poultry, particularly chicken and turkey. It is found in olive oil as well, which is why it is a healthier choice of oil than canola, or vegetable oils. Most experts agree that oleic acid is one of the better fats for us to consume, it can lower total cholesterol levels by raising blood concentrations of high-density lipoproteins (good cholesterol), while reducing low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol). It has also been shown to slow the development of heart disease, and also promotes the production of antioxidants. Although oleic acid is good for our bodies, like with any fat, an overabundance could cause adverse health effects. No matter what, the fact remains, that raw cacao is the most medicinal of any chocolate product, on the market today, and contains the highest levels of immune enhancing antioxidants polyphenols, procyanidins, and other flavonoids. All of these are known to protect against a wide range of ailments, especially heart disease.

          Dietary flavonoids, which are widely abundant in plant-based foods, have been shown to improve cognitive function. It has been shown to reduce the risk of dementia, and to enhance performance on some cognitive tests, as well as improve the cognitive function, in the elderly with mild impairment, with a regular intake of flavonoids. The alkaloids, which are also found in raw cacao, along with the proteins, beta-carotene, leucine, linoleic, lipase, lysine, and theobromine, all work together to improve, not only our mental health, but our physical health as well. A good example here would be the theombromine, which helps to stimulate the central nervous system, relax smooth muscles, and dilate blood vessels, which gives the body a boost of energy. The flavanols, which are found in cacao, green tea, and some fruits, seems to be effective in slowing down, or even reversing, impaired cognitive functions, which occurs with aging. These flavanols have also been shown to improve, and to lower blood pressure, enhances circulation by promoting dilation, strength, and health of blood vessels. The flavanols in cacao increases a key compound in the body, called nitric oxide, which is critical for healthy blood flow, healthy blood pressure, and cardiovascular health. It can also reduce the plaque buildup on your artery walls. This is different from the chocolate candy bars you find in the supermarket today, with all of the creams, fats, and sugars; it raises your LDL, and causes the plaque to buildup on your artery walls, thus increasing your risk for heart attack and stroke.

          Cacao also contains, what are called “bliss chemicals,” which are phenylethylamine (PEA) and anandamide. PEA is an adrenal-related chemical, which is a chemical we naturally produce when we are excited. This chemical also plays a role in us feeling focused and alert, since it causes our pulse rate to quicken, which gives us a similar feeling to when we are excited, or fall in love, even drink coffee. The other “bliss chemical” is the lipid anandamide, which is found in our brain when we feel great. Anandamide is also called “chocolate amphetamine” because it causes changes in blood pressure and blood-sugar levels, leading to feelings of excitement and alertness. Like amphetamines, anandamide works to increase mood and decrease depression, however, is not addictive like caffeine, nor is it illegal with all of the undesirable side-effects that accompany amphetamines. In fact, anandamide actually resembles THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the chemical found in marijuana. The good news is, even though the anandamide in chocolate helps to create this feeling of elation, the effect is not the same as the THC found in marijuana. It would take approximately twenty five pounds of chocolate to achieve the “high” you would get from marijuana, and of course, the nausea would overpower any feeling of bliss you would receive.

          The antioxidant properties of the flavonoids, and the essential minerals and vitamins, which are found in raw cacao, can neutralize the free radicals found in your body. If you will recall a previous article, where I explained free radicals in detail, free radicals basically are damage done to your normal molecule production from outside forces, like sun exposure, pollution, cigarette smoking, etc. This over time can cause a lot of disease, like cancer, and premature aging. However, the high levels of antioxidants, which are found in raw cacao, protect your body from a buildup of these free radicals.
When eating cacao raw, you receive an extraordinary amount of dietary fiber, which supports your digestion, and stimulate your body’s production of digestive enzymes. You can blend, crush, and micronize this raw cacao, and it will still help cleanse your intestines, and improve your digestive system. Raw cacao can also help regulate your bowel movements. A 1 ounce serving of raw cacao nibs contains 36 percent of the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber, or 9 grams. According to studies, even adding as little as 6.6 grams of cacao fiber per day, to your diet, will improve your bowel habits. So many diets, these days, are low in dietary fiber, and by including raw cacao in your diet, like in a morning smoothie, can help increase your daily fiber intake.

          Raw cacao is crunchy and not sweet at all. They taste like nuts, with an intense, bitter chocolate flavor. They are made from the seeds, or beans, of the cacao tree. You keep this raw cacao, in whatever form you get, in a cool, dry place, or in the freezer if you are keeping it longer than a few weeks. Raw cacao is great on, or in desserts; however you can also toss them in salads, or use as a garnish for meat dishes. You can make your own version of that candy bar, like people did before the industrial age, by using a coffee grinder, and grinding the raw cacao nibs and granulated raw sugar or raw stevia (2/3 parts nibs to 1/3 parts raw sugar or raw stevia for bittersweet). This will make a paste; then melt raw cacao butter, or raw coconut oil, in the paste by using a double boiler over simmering water, or at a low temperature in the oven. Place in a mold, and refrigerate 15 to 20 minutes.

          Harvard did a study on the Kuna Indian tribe, off of the coast of Panama. In this study they had a unique chance to examine the health benefits of dark chocolate, in a controlled way, since close to the Kuna indian tribe, there lived other tribes of identical genetic heritage, with a very similar diet, and identical lifestyle habits. There was one difference; however, the Kuna tribe had cacao trees. The Kuna tribe would consume up to five cups of a bitter dark chocolate drink, on a daily basis, which resulted in them having lower rates of all major diseases, as well as a longer average life expectancy. Too, the world’s oldest human being to have ever lived (that was officially documented), was Jeanne Louise Calment, of France. She lived to be 122, and the people around her said that one of her secrets to longevity was her consumption of 2.5 pounds of bitter chocolate a week. Could you imagine how much better their health would be, and how much longer Ms. Calment would have lived, if they had known about the health benefits of the raw cacao bean?

Nutritional Properties of Raw Cacao

Raw Cacao Nutritional Facts:
Serving Size: 1 ounce (= ¼ cup or 28g)
Calories 160, Fat 11g (of which Saturated Fat 4g), Sodium 30 mg, Carbohydrate 14g, Fibre 9g, Sugars 3g, Protein 1g, Vitamin C 42mg


Cacao is remarkably rich in magnesium, and seems to be higher in magnesium than any other food. This may explain why so many women crave chocolate before, or during their menstrual cycle. Magnesium balances brain chemistry, builds strong bones, and is associated with creating more happiness. Studies have shown that magnesium is the most deficient major mineral in the Standard American Diet (SAD), it seems that over 80 percent of Americans are chronically deficient in magnesium.

Raw cacao contains subtle amounts of caffeine and theobromine. However experiments have shown that these stimulants are far different when consumed raw, rather than cooked.

MAO Inhibitors:

Raw cacao seems to diminish appetite, most likely due to its monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors (MAO inhibitors). These inhibitors are different from digestive enzymes, and found in most nuts and seeds. These rare MAO inhibitors actually produce flavorable results when consumed by allowing more serotonin, and other neurotransmitters to circulate in the brain. These inhibitors can also facilitate youthening and rejuvenation.

Phenylethylamine (PEA):

Phenylethylamine (PEA) found in raw cacao, is an adrenal-related chemical that is also created within the brain and released when we are in love. This is one of the reasons why love and chocolate have a deep correlation. PEA also plays a role in increasing focus and alertness.

Anandamide (“The Bliss Chemical”):
Anandamide is also produced naturally in the brain. Anandamide is known as "The Bliss Chemical" because it is released while we are feeling good. Cacao contains enzyme inhibitors that decrease our body’s ability to breakdown anandamide. This means that natural anandamide and/or cacao anandamide may stick around longer, making us feel good longer when we eat cacao.

How to Eat and Use Cacao:

          The most common form of raw cacao you can find is in powder form, which is easy to use in so many ways.
If you use the whole beans, just simply crunch them between your fingers to loosen and remove the peel. You can use the beans whole, or grind them in a spice mill, coffee grinder, or food processor. You can add both forms to smoothies, teas, desserts, raw food bars, or any dish that calls for the delicious flavor of chocolate. You can also eat them straight, a tablespoon at a time. Chew thoroughly, and experience the taste of this raw cacao. You can sprinkle it on yogurt, granola, desserts, etc. 

Raw cacao can also be found as raw cacao nibs, in many raw food bars, and cookies. You can even find raw cacao butter. You can use the raw cacao nibs in the place of semi-sweet chocolate chips in many desserts. Be sure and read the food labels, you are looking for “raw” chocolate,” or “raw cacao”. Raw beans are not roasted, only fermented and dried, which conserves their super food nutrients. Avoid labels that read “roasted chocolate,” or “roasted cacao,” which as you know means that the beans were roasted, thus being stripped of these natural nutrients your body needs. You can find raw cacao in many health food stores, raw food stores, and online.
Now that you know the raw truth about chocolate, what are your feelings regarding those oh, so yummy chocolate candy bars? It turns out that all the bad things you commonly find in these chocolate candy bars: like cavities, weight gain, and diabetes, which are all caused by the dairy, sugar, and other fillers which are added to the processed chocolate. Compared that to the health benefits of the raw cacao beans, butter, nibs, and powder; which are weight loss, prevention of cavities, regulation of blood sugar, and cardiovascular health, how can you pass on these raw treasures?

Sudano, I., Flammer, A. J., Roas, S., Enseleit, F., Ruschitzka, F., Corti, R., & Noll, G. (2012). Cocoa, blood pressure, and vascular function. Current Hypertension Reports, 14(4), 279-84. doi:

C for chocoholic. (2007) O : The Oprah Magazine, 8, 190. Retrieved from
Sampson, S. (2005, Mar 26). The original chocolate. Toronto Star. Retrieved from

Wilson, P. K. (2010). The art of medicine: Centuries of seeking chocolate's medicinal benefits. The Lancet, 376(9736), 158-9. Retrieved from

Stote, K. S., Clevidence, B. A., Novotny, J. A., Henderson, T., Radecki, S. V., & Baer, D. J. (2012). Effect of cocoa and green tea on biomarkers of glucose regulation, oxidative stress, inflammation and homeostasis in obese adults at risk for insulin resistance. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66(10), 1153-9. doi:

Messerli, F. H. (2012). Chocolate consumption, cognitive function, and nobel laureates. The New England Journal of Medicine, 367(16), 1562-4. Retrieved from

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dieting Boomerang, Stop This Destructive Cycle

Obesity Rates 1990-2010
By Joy Dalton

We live in a wonderful age of enlightenment and advanced medicines, so we should be some of the most fit, most well human beings. But you will most often find that the opposite is true. What happened to us? The obesity rate in the United States, and worldwide, is the highest it has ever been.

You pick up magazines, or watch television, and you are bombarded with health and fitness information, advertisements, and articles, about the latest diet trends from the latest diet guru, diet plans, and information on the best possible ways to lose weight. When you lose weight, all you do is find it again, and you end up with this boomerang cycle that never ends. We have all tried these diets, and they simply did not work. What does dieting mean to you? When you think of the work diet, does it make you want to cringe? After all, it does have the word “die” in it. Or do you think about counting calories, or weighing in?

Research has shown that gradual change seems to work better when it comes to meeting your long-term goal. To me, dieting means a temporary way of doing things, versus making a lifestyle change. The word diet makes me think of limiting what I enjoy eating, or what I eat. Some people relate the word “diet” with failure almost immediately. Dieting is also a way of restricting what you consume in some way, and some things your body needs to function properly. Limiting will sometimes make your body want to rebel. If I say I cannot have this, or I cannot have that, it makes me unhappy, and I start to dread eating. If you start to think of reducing weight as a lifestyle change, it can be the key to success for your weight loss goals. Too, if you are not careful, eating can turn into an addiction, and for those addicted to food and eating, it is not as simple as giving it up altogether, like it is to give up cigarettes, because you will not survive if you do not eat.

Food will need to be viewed more positively for someone looking to get around this difficulty, in order to change their lifestyle. This is usually why, when we diet, it most likely will fail. Many diets do not take the time to work on our way of viewing food, and most only focuses on what foods are good for us, and which ones are bad for us. This is not enough to convince us to lose weight, or even keep it off. Dieting gets you off on the wrong foot by making you feel starved, or punished, and this is not the way to go about starting something that is supposed to give you a positive change. To add insult to injury, when you stray from your chosen diet, you tend to punish yourself, and you in turn feel guilty.

A good thing for us to do would be stop counting calories, and start eating healthier foods which will improve our overall health. A lifestyle change is needed to get you on the right track to weight loss success. It is also the best way to avoid feeling guilty with each and every step of your healthy diet. Another good thing to do is plan weight loss goals, you must, however, remember to make these goals realistic, but a challenge at the same time. A Healthy lifestyle means eating healthy, and a regular exercise routine, with both you will notice an improvement in the way you feel in a matter of weeks. You will enjoy more energy and a zest for life! Changes such as eating wheat or whole grain pasta can have a positive impact on the way you eat. Another idea would be to set a goal of eating five servings of vegetables per day. These changes are small, but can have a huge impact on your life. The results of these changes will not happen overnight, they are gradual, but you will reap great rewards from them. Making a healthy lifestyle change will work better than most of those pesky diets out there.

By changing the way you eat, you will change your attitude towards food in general, and you will start to see that weight changes are indeed possible. When you drop some weight, you will find that it becomes easier to include exercise in your daily routine, and you will have the extra energy to do it. Depending upon the amount of weight you wish to lose, the time it takes you to drop this weight can vary, and in some cases, it can take years. As long as you are continuously chipping away at your goals, you will be making a positive change towards your long term health. When you think of lifestyle changes, it makes you think positive thoughts. From quitting smoking, to spending more time at home, changes in your lifestyles are usually for the
better. When you think of changing the way you eat, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you look at your life, dieting really does not seem to fit long term.

You diet, meaning what you eat every day includes everything you consume, and it is consistent. When you speak of dieting, any changes made seem to be temporary. As in, if you stop dieting, you go back to consuming what you did before you started the diet. I believe that is why most diets fail; people tend to change what they eat, and even how they live for a brief period. Then when they get their desired results, they go back to living the way they did before. When you make a lifestyle change, you are going for something more permanent. They type of change affects the way you live your life, for the rest of your life. If you change the way you eat for the long haul, thinking of it as a lifestyle change instead of a diet, you will have a system that will change your life for the better.

A change, such as eating dinner before nightfall versus eating after dark, can make an impact on the way you live. Drinking a glass of water instead of drinking soda can be a lifestyle change that makes long-term impact. Committing to take a walk after dinner before leisure activities can also make a positive impact on your life. So try to make a lifestyle change instead of starting another diet, or the newest diet trend. Making a lifestyle change relating to the way you eat, act, and feel can make a positive impact on your life. The goal is to remain healthy your entire life. Set a long-term goal to be healthy and active for the rest of your life, , instead of for just a portion of it. When you set a long-term goal to be healthy, you will see just how it can impact your life. I would wager that it is a change you can depend on.


Evens, J. (1992) Change lifestyle, instead of diet. Milwaukee Sentinel, Retrieved from

Barczak, C. (1988) With today’s fast lifestyle, “tip-sheet” eating can work better than plain, old dieting controlled grazing, Toronto Star, Retrieved from

Pabst, G. (1994) Halting the diet cycle. Milwaukee Journal. Retrieved from

Thursday, May 9, 2013

If money wasn't an issue, how would you discover your life's purpose?

By Joy Dalton

Your life's purpose is the real reason why your here, and the very reason why you exist on Earth today. Let's ponder this question, we live in trying times, companies lay off people left and right, people live with physical disabilities or illnesses from this stress and anxiety, and you find many in financial ruin. It seems like there is no hope and opportunity. Maybe you're one of those people who thinks that life has no purpose, this doesn't matter, it will creep up on you anyway. All this lack of belief will just make it take longer for you to find it. In fact, not living your life's purpose is the biggest reason your body, mind, and spirit is out out balance. It can cause stress in your life, depression, and can make you feel as though things are just not right in the world.

Life happens, there are a lot of people out there losing their jobs, losing loved ones, ending relationships, coming down with illnesses, and a lot are just starting over. But how do you handle this financially? We all know that life challenges can be easier to deal with when you are working and receiving a paycheck every week, or two weeks. But what happens when you stop receiving this check? What happens if you find out you have cancer, diabetes, or even high blood pressure. What happens when you separate from a spouse? Pressures in life can be exhausting, and the belief that everything will work out seems lost, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. But how do you identify the opportunity, maximize on your life event, and start moving towards a greater success, love, abundance, and creativity in your life.

To start, let me explain the realms that people find themselves living in, then I will explain how to move through, then out of the lower realms into your God/Goddess Realm so you can start living your life's purpose. You will find there are several realms that people live through.

“Hell Realm.” Here you are defined by your hatred and rage, and you define all other beings as enemies. You have no compassion, or desire for change when it arises. You are in a constant state of fight, and you suffer the consequences from those actions. Everything never seems to go your way, you love drama, and you don't even realize that you have enslaved yourself here. You are good at certain activities, however there are more people better than you are. There are way too many people who continually stay in this realm, wasting their energy, when they can reach a higher success for themselves.

“Ghost Realm.” In this realm you are transparent, you are competent with the activities you can do, however other people can do them just as well as you can. You spend way too much energy here, allowing certain emotional states to consume you, and you cannot focus on anything else. Even though life is going alright for you, you are getting by and functioning, however you are still not living your dream life. You are simply not living your true life's purpose, since you are focusing more on your wants.

“Demigod/Goddess Realm.” You are defined by jealousy and competitiveness here, you have more opportunities here, and you are prone to staying here. This can be a dangerous trap for you. You have a great life, and you're a master of this life. Life is going well most of the time, and you make a good living in here, however if you remain in this realm for too long you keep yourself from moving into your higher realm. Staying here can be addicting since your personal comfort wants you to stay here, along with your family, friends, and any organization you may be associated with. You are reliable in this realm, and you are a steady supply for everything that your family may need, as well as your friends, and organizations, which they thrive on. However, when you stay in this realm for too long a part of you withers and dies.

“God/Goddess Realm.” Here you are defined with bliss, happiness, and abundance in your life. You attain liberation from your mediocre life. Your ultimate goal in life, here, is to make life satisfying. You find your niche in life, and draw on your strengths. All of these things call to you from deep within you.. You have the secret knowledge of the universe, and your consciousness is otherworldly. You have more than mastered your life, you have mastered life and are able to orchestrate this beautiful symphony of knowledge that you have learned getting here. You can help others by passing on this knowledge. You are beyond yourself, and you are here to help the greater good of all mankind. You are empathic, meaning you can absorb things like a sponge would absorb water.

People sometimes find, as they reach 40, they tune out the call to live their life's purpose. This tune out can cause a lot of health problems that you will have to deal with. Examples are depression, physical ailments, injuries, and even relationship conflicts. These these things are here to remind you that you need to spend more time feeding your souls, or your inner God/Goddess, so you can let it do its magic in the world. When you fail to live your life's purpose, you are continually receiving this call. But how do you live your life's purpose?

First off, start eating better, all those fast food restaurants are killing you slowly. When you eat nutritiously you feed your body the nutrients it needs, and you give your body the energy it needs for what comes next. Shifting your mindset is an important step, and can assist you in connecting with your true heart's desire. You do this by getting rid of your false belief triggers that is keeping you from moving forward. These false belief triggers are based on fear, which actually means “false evidence appearing real.” There are four barriers, and they all have one thing in common, although they seem true and real, they are actually based on false beliefs, and are neither true or real. The form that these false beliefs take, depends upon an event that has happen earlier in your young life, sometime before the age of seven.

But how can we get rid of these false beliefs? You take these beliefs as being true and real, that is until you can shine an awareness on them, and learn how to eliminate them from your daily life. The power of awareness, on several actions, allows you to notice just how your particular false belief operates. Once you have seen your false belief in action, you have a new tool to use, which helps you live your life's purpose. By overcoming these false beliefs you can feel a new freedom, and will be able to invent your life based on your natural abilities, and begin living your life's purpose.

It doesn't take much time to do the things you need to do to overcome these triggers. It only takes seconds to locate and acknowledge, a feeling in your body, like the false beliefs or sadness. And it only takes a few seconds to communicate a truth to another person, a truth that can restore wholeness to not only you, but to them as well. As you go along your path of discoveries, you will do well to adopt the attitude of self love, instead of blame, since being lighthearted about your triggers will help you progress that much faster into living your life's purpose, instead of criticizing every little thing. When you keep a cheerful attitude you will find these triggers just dissolve and transform quicker than if you allow yourself to give you a hard time about it. When you're willing to adopt this playful attitude toward yourself, and your shortcomings, you can make a huge leap to living your life's purpose. It is also easier to laugh, instead of fretting over things, and laughing is much more fun for those who are around you. You can learn a lot more about yourself when you have a spirit of wonder and enjoyment, rather than with an attitude of criticism. When you live your life on purpose, you will find prosperity in every area of your life.

Take the step to live consciously, allow yourself to make more room in your awareness for abundance, love, and success. Use the resources of your whole being, not just your mind, then embrace a new story that tells about your adventures. Find a new mythology, or make up your own, one that shows that you are enjoying your life in the full radiance of your expressed potential.

Those of us who have the courage to discover, and bring about change in our lives, will break through to unparalleled heights of productivity, and life satisfaction. When we start discover our life's purpose that we are here on this earth for, we then take a huge leap to greater love, abundance, and happiness. Everything up till now was only hops, not leaps, and hopping through life may seem safe, however it is actually hazardous to your health. By confining yourself to hops, you run the risk of rusting from the inside out.



Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Purple Fruits & Vegetables

Purple Fruits and Vegetables  By Joy Dalton

When watching cooking shows, reading cook books, or visiting a restaurant, you can see a variety of ingredients being used; however, you rarely find too many purple fruits and vegetables except for a blueberry or two. In fact, if your super market is anything like mine, you probably do not see too many in there as well. You see can see a sea of green vegetables all around, green vegetables are great, they contain Chlorophyll, Fiber, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Calcium, Folate, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Beta-carotene. All these nutrients help to reduce cancer risks, lower blood pressure, LDL cholesterol levels, normalize digestion time, support retinal health, vision, fight harmful free-radicals, and boost the immune system. However, when you view vegetables in only one color, green, you are missing out on a group of fruits and vegetables that people get far too little of, the purple ones.

Blue and purple fruits and vegetables, like the green ones carry luten zeaxanthin, vitamin C, and fiber, and support retinal health, lower LDL cholesterol, boost immune the immune system, and support healthy digestion. These purple gems go even further because they also contain resveratrol, flavonoids, elegiac acid, and quercetin, all of whom are known to improve calcium and other mineral absorption, fight inflammation, reduce tumor growth, act as anti-carcinogens (anti-cancer causing) in the digestive tract, and limit the activity of cancer cells.

In fact the more colorful the fruit or vegetable, the more nutrients it contains, especially that anti-cancer causing properties along with the antioxidants with low calories. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, purple foods contain more of the ant-cancer cause nutrient, called anthocyanin, which is what is responsible for those purple, blue, and red colors of these fruits and vegetables. As an antioxidant, anthocyanin protects against cell damage from the free radicals you come in contact with in your everyday lives.

What are these free radicals you hear about, like here in this article; however, to understand what free radicals are, you must first understand a bit about cells and molecules. Here’s some physiology/chemistry 101. The human body is composed of many different types of cells. Cells are composed of many different types of molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements joined by chemical bonds.

Atoms consist of a nucleus, neutrons, protons, and electrons. The number of protons (positively charged particles) in the atom’s nucleus determines the number of electrons (negatively charged particles) surrounding the atom. Electrons are involved in chemical reactions, and are the substance that bonds atoms together to form molecules. Electrons surround, or “orbit” an atom in one or more shells. When the innermost shell is full, it has two electrons. When the first shell if full, electrons begin to fill the second shell, when the second shell has eight electrons, it is full, and so on.

The most important structural feature of an atom, for determining its chemical behavior, is the number of electrons in its outer shell. A substance that has a full outer shell tends not to enter in chemical reactions (an inert substance). Because atoms seek to reach a state of maximum stability, an atom will try to fill its outer shell by either gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell; or sharing its electrons by bonding together with other atoms in order to complete its outer shell. By sharing electrons, the atoms are bound together, and satisfy the conditions of maximum stability for the molecule.

Now to free radicals, which are formed when these weak bonds are split. Free radicals are very unstable, and react quickly with other compounds trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Generally these free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, “stealing” its electron. When this molecule is “attacked”, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once this chain reaction is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the total disruption of a living cell.

Some free radicals form normally during metabolism, and the body’s immune system’s cells will purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, other environmental factors, such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke, and herbicides can also spawn free radicals. Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Too, free radical damage can accumulate with age.

So these purple fruits and vegetables, with their vitamins C and E, and anthocyanin can help protect the body against these destructive effects of free radicals. They neutralize the free radicals by donating one of their own electrons, ending the electron “stealing” reaction. These nutrients themselves do not become free radicals by donating an electron because they are stable in either from. They act as scavengers, helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease. Anthocyanin has also been studied for its effectiveness as an anti-carcinogen.

A carcinogen is a substance that is capable of causing cancer in humans or animals. If a substance is known to promote or aggravate cancer, but does not necessarily cause cancer, it may also be called a carcinogen. There are many things that are believed to cause cancer; a substance is only considered carcinogenic if there is significant evidence of its carcinogenicity. One, or more of these carcinogens may act on DNA, which causes dangerous changes, or it may work to increase the rate of cell division. This change in cell division may work to increase the probability of the DNA changes. Other carcinogens promote the development of cancer in other ways as well. Carcinogens do not necessarily lead to cancer after every exposure, some cause cancerous changes following high-level prolonged exposure, while others may cause damage at lower levels and shorter exposure periods. Too, your unique genetic makeup may influence the body’s response to any particular carcinogen. Many substances have been identified as carcinogenic, such as asbestos, radon, certain pesticides, arsenic, and tobacco smoke, which includes the smokeless tobacco. Even the sun, which is vital to life, is a major carcinogen. It emits ultraviolet rays (UV) that are carcinogenic, and is known to lead to a variety of cancers affecting the skin.

Unfortunately, carcinogens can be found in everything from snack foods and drinks, to certain types of plastic and everyday objects. You may remember reading that something you have used for years has made it to this list as a known carcinogen. There may be others, now you do not know about, one thing I learned by writing this article is that chlorine is one such carcinogen. We all have used chlorine for disinfecting water for bathing, drinking, and swimming. At the same time, its byproducts are capable of causing a range of illnesses, including lung cancer. Every two years the US federal government releases the Report of Carcinogens, by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, where they identify substances and circumstances that are “known” or are “reasonably anticipated” to cause cancer. Each year this cancer-causing list grows, with now over 246. Some new are compounds found in grilled meats, and a host of substances used in textile dyes, paints, and inks.

In the US, 1 in 2 men, and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer at some point in their lifetimes. Research shows that environmental factors will trigger it, especially when someone has a family history. Luckily, if we eat the right types of foods, we can help to protect ourselves from contracting such diseases. These purple fruits and vegetables have the antioxidant properties, like I have already mention, that can protect our cells from these free radicals that can cause cancer. The antioxidants called phytonutrients, are not only antioxidants, but also actively involved in balancing enzyme activity inside the cells. The dietary fiber, which is found in these fruits and vegetables, protects against cancer in a variety of ways. Firstly, it provides a healthy colon by stimulating muscle activity with its bulk, encouraging “friendly” bacteria, like acidophilus and bifidus, to grow and minimizing yeast overgrowth by maintaining a healthy acid/alkaline balance. The human body is 30 percent acid and 70 percent alkaline. When the body’s acid/alkaline balance is more acidic, we will tend to have more colds, and have an overall sick feeling in our bodies. These fruits and vegetables help with this, especially when you eat them raw. Secondly, dietary fiber provides bulk that speeds the transit through the colon and reduces any tendency to constipation. Thirdly, this bulk dilutes any potentially harmful dietary components, and reduces the time they might interact with the walls of the intestine. This is one good reason why a high fiber diet is associated with a lower incidence of colo-rectal cancers. You will find too, that when you are eating more dietary fiber, like fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and other foods from the plant kingdom, you are eating less of the foods from the animal kingdom that do not have any fiber in them. This shift can help with the balance of the steroid hormones in your body from the animal, and it can also help with your cholesterol

If you have not seen enough reason as to why to incorporate these purple fruits and vegetables in your diet, here’s an even better reason. According to a study, people who eat purple vegetables have a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, a common metabolic disorder that is a precursor to Type 2 Diabetes. This study also showed that people who eat these purple fruits and vegetables have lower blood pressures, and smaller waists. Another study showed that purple fruits and vegetables reduce age-related conditions of the brain, and yet another study showed that a diet rich in purple potatoes help with osteoporosis, and those women who started eating purple potatoes after being diagnosed saw a 10 percent increase in bone density. These seem to be some compelling reasons to add more purple fruit and vegetables to your dies, now which one will you add?

Purple potatoes
Purple beans
Purple cauliflower
Purple asparagus
Hawaiian yams
German red cabbage

Purple figs
Purple grapes
Black raspberries
Purple bell pepper
Swiss chard
Purple kale

You cannot go wrong with these purple fruits and vegetables, however to get more purple, you can just choose from eggplant, plums, cranberries, or beets. Or try something more exotic like purple cauliflower, or potatoes. The purple pigment that gives these fruits and vegetables their brilliant color just may do some wonderful things for your body, and your taste buds. (2013) Cancer Causing Agents - Carcinogens

Wang, C. (2009) Effects of Purple Sweet Potato on Bone Metabolism

Rhoades, R., Bell, D. (2013) Medical Physiology, Principles for Clinical Medicine, 4th Edition

Katzin, C (2012) Fighting Cancer with a Fork

Committee on Comparative Toxicity of Natrually Occurring Carcinogens (1996) Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human Diet: A comparison of Naturally Occurring and Synthetic Substances

Teow, C., Truong, V., McFeeters, R., Thompson, R., Pecota, K., Yencho, G. (2006) Antioxidant activities, phenolic and b-carotene contents of sweet potato genotypes with varying flesh colours.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Simple, and Healthy Split Pea Soup

This was actually an idea by Joy Dalton for a very simple lunch (could also be paired with a salad as a nice dinner!)

Pea Soup usually while still healthy can be a little heavy due to use of things like heavy whipping cream and butter. For this version we take out the butter and heavy whipping cream and replace it with Greek Yogurt to make it a bit lighter, and healthier for you.

You will need:

  • 2 cups frozen or fresh peas
  • 1/2 cup fresh diced onion
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons basil
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground or grated ginger
  • 1 garlic clove diced
  • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup fresh kale greens
  • 1/2 tablespoon fresh parsley leaves
  • 1/2 tablespoon fresh cilantro leaves
Caramelize garlic and onion in a saucepan on low heat. Add 2 cups peas and cover with water, add basil, salt, and ground ginger and cook until peas are tender. Pour contents of pan in blender and add 1 cup Kale and puree until smooth. Pour contents back into pan on low heat while whisking in 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt. Heat until rewarmed throughout and pour contents into 2 soup cups or bowls. Finally remove roughly half of a table spoon parsley and half a tablespoon cilantro from their stems and chop finely. Sprinkle on for additional flavor and garnish.